Yes yes I know girls have high pain thresholds and boys don't. Yes I know that manflu is the most life threatening non lethal, but I hurt. A lot.
Just a dull ache, located erm .. in my body ... everywhere. This has made the last 3 workouts based around grin and bear it.
I must have distorted the fabric of space time when I run because on one occasion 3 minutes was long than my whole 6 weeks holiday as a child!
Still by 8am this morning I had completed my brick (40 minutes cycle followed by 15 minutes run). Ouch. And this is week 3 of 12. Woo and Hoo.
Ignoring my self pity and frankly childish moans, those that know me, know that I am quite frankly a bit odd at times.
Voices in my head this morning....(does wavy hands thing)
"Good morning Dragons. Today I am going to pitch to you a new and unique idea in branded exercise programmes. It is called Two Toned and will reach £100 profit after year 3. I am asking for £100K investment for 4% of the company.
Studying the current offerings in the marketplace, my research identified a gap in the working out and and Ska music. I havent heard of any other gyms in the Accrington area offering such a unique and stylish proposition.
Before you rush to invest I will outline some of the details. Two Toned will be a black an white themed gym, with all of the music supplied by Ska and Two tone bands.
Members will have to wear pork pie hats whilst working out for that extra Beat Burn (TM) which by providing coverage the head area will increase atoms leaving the body by up to 1%
The gym will have a house band led by the weight loss king Buster Blood Vessel. They will provide up tempo music, a performance to perspire to.
The gym will also host every wave of Ska bands up to and including the 3rd wave.
Themed nights include Beatercise, Leaner than Jake, Rowing with big Fish and Rankin Roger Run.
We would extend the chain with brand such as New Row Mantics, Rock and Run, Middle of the Row and Cross Country Music.
I am now open to questions .... .Yes Theo ......" (wavy hands)
Music Corner
This week is that amazing duo -
Carter USM with Surfing USM
The intro to the song just explains it all.