Weirdly i am much fitter than last year (already run 8 x 5km since 1st January) but also contain more atoms in my personal shapeliness. So that is something to work on.
This weekends plans of running and swimming got put on hold when on Friday morning something pinged in my foot accompanied by being stabbed by a thousand mini pitchforks in my foot (never one to exaggerate). A bit of rest will fix it
In the meantime I thought I would show you my stuff. I have stuff that I use to get me through the pain and to the start line.
The most important bit of kit I have ever bought were my Barefoot running shoes. This whole journey started after reading Born to Run ( Highly recommended - and then buying pair of shoes in Kuala Lumpur (how long an exotic ago that sounds)

Mega light weight only about 150g, breathable and flexible.
Number two in my toolkit of training is my Sansa Clip MP3 player. Cheap with SD card and 42GB of storage this is an ace piece of kit. Again barely weighs anything, can clip on to clothing (well if the clip hadnt broken) and is loud enough for tunes. Teamed it with a pair of Philips sports headphones for propa noize when runs init.
Wills top tip is that if you keep losing the ear buds on the headphones, a dab of superglue keeps em in place (obviously not when you are wearing them, idiot)

It has loads of modes including Autosport and a virtual race partner (he is much better looking than me) to keep you entertained. You are also able to enter training session in it before hand so you dont need to remember what you are doing.
Once session are over the data can be uploaded to garmin connect, which tracks what you are doing and gives you all the data a boy could need.
All from me for now .... byyyeeeee